Get to know Vilnius

Get to know the Old Town of Vilnius with the help of personalized virtual excursions.

Get to know the objects

Choose from 6 to 10 of the offered places (spots, objects of interest) and select the live guide in your preffered language

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We‘ll (we will) reach out to You and arrange the time.

Cathedral Square

A place, where the origins of Vilnius city and the pantheon of Lithuania’s Dukes lie.

Duration 11 min

Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania

XV-XVII c. Political, administrative and cultural Grand Dutchy of Lithuania centre.

Duration 7 min

Pilies street

The oldest street in the Old Town of Vilnius, full of discoveries.

Duration 8 min

Church of St. Anne and Bernardine Complex

The most fascinating Gothic corner in the Old Town.

Duration 11 min

Literatu street

A decorated artists‘ street, where some of the well known writers and poets are commemorated in.

Duration 4 min

Office of the President of the Republic of Lithuania

The story, symbolics and ceremonies of Presidential Palace.

Duration 6 min

Stikliu street

The most beautiful artery in the Old Town, where the craftsmen’s spirit is in the air.

Duration 5 min

Town Hall

One of the oldest squares in the Old Town of Vilnius where all the life happened.

Duration 8 min

Gates of Dawn

One of the main historical, cultural and religious symbols of Vilnius city.

Duration 5 min

Church of St. Nicholas

One of the oldest Vilnius’ churches with extant signs on the walls.

Duration 5 min

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Rate from 5 Eur per person

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Project is sponsored by the funds of MITA

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